Hi, I’m Sarah, a business consultant and coach

What I Do

 I help leaders and executive teams get clarity and alignment on their purpose, strategy and culture.

Throughout my 25 years as a business consultant I have seen that when organisations are not thriving there is usually one or more of the following at play:

  • The leadership team are not aligned and focussed on the top strategic priority
  • It’s not clear what the strategy is
  • The organisation has a plan, not a strategy
  • The organisational culture is not aligned to the strategic direction or purpose
  • The leadership team are not working as a team

Of course there are other issues that crop up, but in the main these are the big roadblocks to success.

The tricky thing about these roadblocks is that they are not very visible. Certainly not to the people that are submerged in them day to day. The good news is that they can all be fixed.

I work with executives and their teams to uncover and address these invisible roadblocks, creating a clear strategy and aligned culture to achieve the results they want.

Why I do the work I do

I am passionate about seeing purpose driven, future focussed visions turned into actionable, tangible ways forward. 

I love the ah-ha moment when clients see that more is possible, that they have been limiting themselves to a small world view, or a narrow range of options, and that they do actually have a big, energising, vision of the future to bring to fruition.

It’s my view that this is how work should feel: the exciting energy that there is a really impactful, challenging, but rewarding goal to achieve and that you might just be able to pull it off. I believe that’s why people come to work.

But as well as exciting visions of the future I also love clarity, simplicity and focus. I get a great deal of satisfaction helping clients create actionable priorities with clear, well thought through ways forward. 

My career background

Through my career I have enjoyed incredible opportunities consulting with start-ups, SME’s and FTSE 100 organisations, both for and not-for profit, and have worked for some of the world most respected consulting firms (Accenture and BCG)

I have enjoyed working with clients across Europe, Asia and Australia and have consulted for clients in a broad range of business contexts and markets from Retail, Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Manufacturing, Food and Drink, Consulting, Finance, Insurance and Law.

who I’ve Worked With

who i work with

My Key Points of View

I believe that healthy companies invest in healthy relationship with all their stakeholders: employees, customers, suppliers, partners, competitors, investors, communities and the environment. 

I am an advocate of sustainability of work; I use tried and tested, well known frameworks and when I work with you I also show you what I am doing, so you can do it for yourselves next time. 

Experience tells me that leadership behaviours and mindsets are intertwined with purpose, strategy and culture….don’t expect to change one without the others changing too.