Defining and Changing Your Culture

Infographic of Culture


Culture is often defined as “the way we do things round here”. However, within that simple definition lies multiple layers of beliefs, mindsets, behaviours, policies and ways of working.

Infographic of culture

An easy way to think about culture is to consider that it starts in the minds of the CEO and executive teams (current and legacy), as their beliefs. This then translates into their behaviours, how they show up, and how they lead. And lastly becomes visible in the organisational rules, rituals and ways of working.

Culture can be a huge source of advantage to an organisation, but only if that culture is in full alignment with the purpose, strategy and leadership behaviours.

“If you do not develop your company culture it will develop itself.
Corporate culture doesn’t happen by accident and if it does, you’re taking a risk”
Monique Winston

How do I help?

Leaders often instinctively know what type of culture they want, but find it hard to articulate specifically what needs to be different and what steps to take to achieve this.

Additionally, it can be difficult for senior leaders of an organisation to have a good sense of what the current culture is throughout the organisation.

For these reasons a culture audit is a good first step in any proposed culture change.

I do this in different ways, either as an Organisational Cultural Inventory (OCI from Human Synergistics) or working with you to design your own culture audit.

We can then map the gaps between where you are and your ideal culture.

I then work with you to prioritise these gaps, aligning them to your strategy and set up ways to measure progress in closing the gaps.

Infographic of process

Changing culture usually involves changing leadership behaviours. For this reason I also offer, among other tools, the Life Styles Inventory (LSI from Human Synergistics) as a leadership coaching component to culture change.

If you want to find out more about how to improve or change your organisational culture then book a discovery call here.



A clear view of your current organisational culture


Definition of your ideal culture


Prioritised activities for culture change


Clarification of values that matter most to your organisation


Playbook of your proposed culture change journey

Case Studies

In light of the Banking Royal Commission this bank wanted to know what culture they had and what they might need to change or could leverage about their culture. I worked with them for 6 months to do a deep dive on their culture. The results gave them clarity on what culture they had, where any sub-cultures were developing, the underlying structures, behaviors and policies that were creating the culture and worked with the executive team and CEO to create a prioritised road map for change. In addition, I created a culture dashboard for their board so that culture indicators were reviewed at each board meeting.

Financial Services


A change in leadership triggered this school to decide to review its culture in order to see opportunities to use culture as a way to retain staff. Using the Organisational Culture Inventory from Human Synergistics I helped the senior leadership team and board gain clarity on their culture and quickly identify areas that were key to address for staff retention.

NFP Education


Are you ready to talk about how Culture consulting can support your organisation?