Leadership Consulting

Aligning Your Leadership Team

Infographic of leadership

How it Works

An effective leadership team has aligned members focussed on the top strategic priority, setting the tone for the ideal culture you want to create.

I often work with executive teams when they are not getting the results they want at the speed they want them. That might be any type of financial results or it might be a non-financial, for example customer satisfaction or an internal measure such as the organisational culture, but whatever it is it’s not being achieved.

Alternatively, they may be a newly formed executive team (in part or whole) wanting to make sure they are set up for success from day one.

Being an effective leadership team is actually not that difficult, but surprising few leadership teams take the time to set up the structure and ways of working to make it happen.

Infographic of leadership
“Building a cohesive leadership team is the first critical step that an organization must take if it is to have the best chance at success”
Patrick Lencioni

How do I help?

I use Patrick Lencioni’s well known 5 Dysfunctions of a Team model, helping your leadership team to:

  • trust each other in order to feel safe entering into constructive conflict and holding each other accountable
  • enter into constructive conflict so that everyone’s point of view is heard
  • commit to the actions they agree to
  • hold each other accountable to commitments and behaviours
  • have a collective focus on the priority strategic goal regardless of their functional role, they commit to the leadership team as their primary team

As part of helping your leadership team become more effective, I also offer team and individual coaching, through a range of different leadership and personality profiling tools including Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), The Leadership Circle (TLC) and the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) from Human Synergistics.

As always, my way of working is to be transparent about what we are doing at each stage, enabling you to run the process yourselves in the future if needed.

If you want to see where your executive team could be more effective, then book in a discovery call here.



Committed, aligned focus of the executive team on the organisation's top priority result


Leadership behaviours that create, and align to, the desired culture


Agile management of the top strategic priorities


Playbook of the commitments and accountabilities made by your leadership team


This successful high growth retailer wanted to fulfill its European and USA expansion strategy. However, the executive team were not fully aligned and were suffering from continuing the competitive behaviors that had made them successful in the past rather than the cohesive team approach that they would need for the future. I worked with them through a series of team alignment and personal coaching sessions to help them change their competitive sales mindset into a team-orientated mindset, focused on the top organisational priority. This not only improved the effectiveness of the top team but had the effect of cascading clarity and reducing silos in the rest of the organisation they led.


This financial services organisation was on a culture change journey and wanted to align the senior leadership teams on the new culture and strategy. Working with the senior leadership team I helped them refocus on being effective members of their peer team (the team they are a member of, rather than the team they lead), putting the needs of the organisation ahead of their own departments, building the trust and commitment within the team and helping them clarify their strategic priorities.

Financial Services

Are you ready to talk about how leadership consulting can support your organisation?